Today is my birthday. So far, in 35 years, 35 birthdays to remember…this is by far the best. It’s not because of the gifts I’ve received or what was done for me. It’s because in 35 years, for the first time, I have TRULY left all expectation at the door. I’m content. I definitely have things that I want, everybody does. But I have everything I need and expectation ALWAYS comes to the party accompanied with disappointment. This year, neither are invited. I have so much peace it’s unexplainable. The thing is, last week, I started planning my party and “expectation” was on the list of invitees until I was reminded of something I wrote last year. My birth month has been redeemed by the Lord and when pre-disappointment started setting in, I made a CONSCIOUS decision to disengage and break up with them both for good. Now will they try to come back around like the pestilence of an ex does? Yes, but all communication is cut off and my heart and decision to move forward is solidified in the blood of Christ. I am thankful for so much and I will list all of those things privately later; but, my main priority for this new birth year is to be more intentional. More intentional with my time, more intentional with my family, and most importantly, more intentional with my Father. The one who made all of this possible. It’s taken 35 years to reach this point I’m at, so hopefully for the next 35 years I can continue to flourish and grow.
I’m looking forward to what’s to come. I’m looking forward to what the Lord is going to do as He has redeemed the last 35 years. My latter will be greater as His word promises in Job 8:7. Don’t be mistaken though. There are always prerequisites to God’s promises. We must look to Him, seek Him, find Him, love Him, worship Him, and most importantly- BE OBEDIENT! Not just to His word, but to His will for our lives. I want all He has for me and I believe that He will be pouring out my inheritance in these days as He’s been given the keys to my heart and, in turn, I’ve received the keys to His kingdom. I’m His daughter, fully His, fully Home, and I have so much peace. In a time like this when there is so much uncertainty, I worry and want for nothing. Why you ask? Because I KNOW that my Father is in control and I know He has a plan. He has a purpose and His ways are good. He withholds Nothing good from His children. So if you’re suffering from anxiety and stress during this time, turn to the Lord and He will give you rest. If you can’t trust Him fully yet, trust me. He. Is. Good.
Thank you Father for all you have done in my life. This day is yours for it is a day that you made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it. I ask that you bring peace to others, on this day, who are struggling. Comfort them and give them shalom, as you have given me. Love them in action as you have done me. I pray that they choose to seek you. That their hearts turn to you during this time and they allow you to work out in them the fruits of the Spirit. I pray for their obedience to your Word and will, and I pray they seek you in the ways that they have, or currently, seek the idols of this world. May they lay it all down, take up their cross, and follow you. May they die to their self desires and choose yours. May they seek you as opposed to self and may you rock their life like never before. You did it and continue to do it for me, and I pray that I continue to do the same- lay down my selfish ways and desires and seek to serve you and others like never before. Thank you ABBA! Thank you for life! I love you so much!
Sincerely and forever yours Lord,
Your Bride