I am a worship leader…or am I?
I always thought this phrase defined who I was. I would throw it around when describing myself as if it carried some weight. It took me up until now to realize that this doesn’t, and is not, WHO I am. It is just something that I do. To be honest, anyone can lead worship. Let me explain what I mean, because I’m saying that lightly. I mean that there are people who choose to worship God through music because that is the method they identify with most and can be most successful in. We operate in what we know. We choose to share our skills in venues that we know we would be successful in…well most of us do. However, just because someone chooses to sing Christian music doesn’t always mean that their heart is in the right place. It could just be a means to an end. Although someone’s heart may not be set on glorifying God with their gift, He is still careful not to let the ears of the receivers fall prey to the singer, who is not worshipping in spirit and truth. God can use anything, and anyone, which means HE can use whatever gift He has given to those who misuse it in order to pierce the hearts of those listening.
Defining myself as a worship leader is not what sets me apart. Defining myself as a child of God, a Christ follower, Disciple, etc…THIS is what sets me apart. This is what shows people the standard by which I should be living by. If they don’t know who Christ is, it is my identity in Christ that introduces them to Him. It is my actions, words, submissiveness to authority, my life. When they see me, they see Him. When they come to know me, they get a glimpse of His character. When they end up loving me, they, in turn, love Him. This is what my life should be. This is what I will lead with from now on. Not saying, “Hey, I’m Tiffany and I am a child of God.” But instead leading a life that is a reflection of our relationship and a personification of who He is.
How do you define yourself? Is it by your occupation, skill, gifts? Or is it by who God says you are in Christ? If you don’t know who you are…if you don’t know Christ…do you want to?
Don’t let what you DO define who YOU ARE…