It’s been a long time since I’ve written something other than a song. I wanted to return sooner but I’m glad I didn’t. After the year I’ve had, I would have written from a place where I was still broken. What’s beautiful about his return is the growth that has taken place from then to now. A lot has happened and there are a lot of things I questioned about life, serving, marriage, family, children. There were so many areas where I needed some healing (no sin) that it felt it was happening all at once. The reason it was happening all at once is because it had everything to do with ONE major thing…How I respond. How I respond to life’s struggles. How I respond to disappointment. How I respond to disagreement, correction, discomfort, dis and dat… Everything. Not only was I being stretched in this area, I learned in November 2019 that I was pregnant.
This pregnancy was different than my first. I was very sick. The first few months it was morning sickness. Which is just a flat out lie. It’s ALL DAY NAUSEA! I mean if I didn’t eat, I got sick. If I ate, I got sick. If I smelled something (almost everything) I got sick. It was tough. When that passed, I continued to get sick: sinus infection, bronchitis, another sinus infection, etc. IT was almost constant and they lasted longer than normal. Not to mention I was working full time in a position that required a lot of movement. I was ready to complete my pregnancy and meet my little one. And I was ready to never get pregnant again, Which I’m not so sure about that anymore. Typical right? Haha My sweet bundle of joy, Miss Harper Emery is the sweetest little thing I could have ever imagined up. Very similar to her sister, she has such joy, is very strong, daddy’s dimples, and adores mommy. It’s no wonder pregnancy was so difficult, she was every bit of “worth it” there could be. Her birth was almost smooth sailing-that will be another post. Overall, for those who read my blog. I’m sorry it took so long. And for the woman who sent me a message about starting a podcast-I received it and am really taking that into consideration. I’m still trying to get my bearings as a mother of 2. It’ll be coming soon, along with some other projects that I will be working on musically. Thank you to those who have waited and I pray that these posts will continue to bless you.
Grace and Peace,
“My desire and constant prayer is that I would succeed in coming to you, according to the plan and timing of God.”