I have pondered a lot since the launch of the site regarding what I should write next. I had so many ideas. I think it’s only right that I start with one about gratefulness. For me, launching the blog site alone is a dream come true. I tried to do it so many times, on my own, without any knowledge on how to build a site and make it look presentable. There were even times when I didn’t care what it looked like because I just wanted a place to write. Don’t be fooled. Presentation is everything. People like to see things that are visually appealing, done in excellence. I believe God does too. This blog was something that I believe God wanted me to do but just because he wanted me to do it didn’t mean that when he told me to do it was the right time. God’s timing is perfect and there are seasons we have to go through sometimes before we see His promise come to fruition.
For me, the timing for this promise is now. I am in a season where I have time to write, time to think about all of the things he has brought me through, as well as the things he is doing within in me. It’s a time that I have to sit and mull over everything and then share it with the world. If this blog never takes off-which I am ok with-I was obedient and He was faithful! That is what matters. I believe that everything that I do is for an audience of ONE. He is faithful to fulfill the promises he has told you, in HIS time. So don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t look like it’s happening. He is working behind the scenes and putting things together for when that time comes. His timing is best and He is GOOD. He is so, so good. And I am so very thankful that it didn’t happen sooner. I wouldn’t have been ready and I wouldn’t have had the capacity to uphold what he wants me to do with this. I am living for Him and walking this way has given me so much peace and freedom. His dreams for me are so much higher than my own. So much so that I can’t even fathom what he has next for me. Don’t give up on your dreams because God inspires them and did I say that He is good? Well, yea, He’s amazing.
So thank you Lord. Thank you for vision and dreams, for passion for what your will is and for bringing a small portion of my dreams to fruition. Thank you for caring about what I care about and wanting to see it manifest in my life more than I do. Thank you for being a Father, guiding me down the right path and always ordering my steps. Thank you for never letting me fall. Thank you for a husband that supports me and a daughter that makes me want to dream bigger, God sized dreams. Thank you for power, authority, love, sound mind, gentleness and joy that only you can instill in me. Thank you from everything that is within me.
“Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.”